The components used to construct our devices have received clearance from the FDA for use in other devices or are in process of clearance. In situ, the implant swells to lock into place in the bone defect, eliminating the need for special instruments to secure the graft in place. It does not result in aberrant growth. The scaffold is hydrophilic.
NuCressâ„¢ scaffolds in research shows that it is effective and safe and substantially equivalent to other marketplace offerings for the same indications for bone void fillers.
A pipeline of NuCressâ„¢ bone fillers is under development to be used beyond extremities; initial data has been generated in lumbar spinal fusion, dental implants and craniomaxillofacial applications.
The NuCressâ„¢ design reduces the need for autografts and allografts using a controlled porosity polymeric scaffold embedded with smaller amounts of DMB and HA.